Tuesday 30 June 2015

A Little Introduction.

Hi! My name is Ashleigh and I'm attempting to be an adult. Welcome to my blog where I will be trying to act normal and regularly uploading blogs ranging from book reviews, to make up and fashion.

I'm a newly twenty year old from West Yorkshire, who is currently studying English Literature and Creative Writing in the Liverpool area. I'm also the social media manager for Under The Fable.

I like a nice glass of red wine and whiskey, and occasionally enjoy having my legs crushed by my dog early in a morning when he decides that since no one is in the house, that it is the best time for me to be up. 

I would say I manage to organise my life well but that would be a lie. As much as order is a good thing, and as much as I enjoy ordering things, I also like messing it up. Madness and chaos are a part of life and sometimes you just need to embrace it.

This blog is something I see as a hobby, something for me to enjoy doing. I'm not aiming for Cosmo or Mandy standard, just me. Just something fun I can do and get excited planning for, and something to break up university work.

As I said, I am wanting to create posts about book reviews, maybe the occasional rant, fashion, and make up. But I would also like to include any lessons I've learnt, as well as anything interesting I've done or seen.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the crazy world which is blogging! Hope it's treating you well.

    Sarah | The Girl with the Winged Liner
