Thursday 9 July 2015

The British Tag...

So I thought for a bit of fun I would do The British Tag, especially after reading through the questions. It looked like fun. ^_^ I've got my tea at the ready!

1: How many cups of tea do you have a day, and how many sugars?
I tend to drink about 1-2 cups a day, depending on how I feel or how much coffee I've had. But I have only been drinking Earl Grey for a year now, and I love it. Any other tea that I've drank just tastes weaker and less flowery compared to it. I don't put sugar in my tea. I'm not a heathen. Plus we only have baking sugar in the house, so it's sorta awkward when people ask for sugar in their tea. It's gotten to the point where I steal sugar packets from coffee shops just in case someone wants sugar.

2: Favorite part of your roast?
Gravy soaked yorkshire puds. Gah! So delicious, the perfect mixture of soggy and crunchy. But I also love the carrots, and roast potatoes, and the delicious, crispy, juicy meat! It's like asking a parent which child is it's favorite. It's impossible. I love each item the same.

3: Favorite dunking biscuit? 
A biscuit is a biscuit. Though, if you have to have one then  I'd say a Party Ring.

4: Favorite qunitenstial British past time?
Does complaining about the weather while drinking tea, avoiding the sun, and watching QI count? That or watching The Real Housewives and being thankful I am British.

5: Favorite word?
Well I can't say my favorite word because many people will stone me for saying it. So I'll go for my second favorite word. Bollocks.

6: Cockney Rhyming Slang.
I have no flippin' clue on this one. I'm think this is one. Nelson Mandela, what a fella. I hope that's right.

7: Favorite sweet?
Haribo eggs, or the fizzy ones with the white bottom.

8: What would your pub be called?
I've actually answered this question when I was younger. I wanted to open a pub and name it Jugs. So in honour of ten year old Ashleigh, I'd call my pub Jugs.

9: No.1 British Person?
Does this have to be a real person or fictional? Erm, favorite real person is my Nana Grace, and my favorite fictional person is Captain Hook.

10:  Favorite Shop/ Restaurant?
Erm, Debenhams or Worlds Apart in Liverpool, and Wetherspoons.

11: What British song pops into your head?
Queen, Fat Bottom Girls. Because butts.

12: Marmite.
That's more of a statement but I'll bite. No I hate marmite, but I love twiglets.

That was the British Tag,  I nominate you all to do it! :D

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